1. Download the template sheet and print it out. Place your plastic cover over the butterfly. Trace the butterflies with the black felt-tip pen.
2. Paint the butterflies and leave to dry completely.
3. Cut around the lid to make a pretty circle, then cut out all the butterflies. Apply varnish or glue to the entire circle, then sprinkle with glitter. Leave to dry.
4. Cut 3 lengths of elastic: 12 cm, 14 cm and 18 cm. Tie 1 knot, then thread the beads. Put 1 drop of glue on the knot to prevent it from untying.
5. Attach the 3 bead elastics to your circle. Then attach a 4th length of elastic (30 cm) to the top of the circle, so that you can attach it to the ceiling or wall of your bedroom, and string a few beads.
6. Using hot glue, stick the butterflies onto your circle. You can bend your butterflies a little to give them a rounded shape. Glue them with the painted side down, for an even prettier effect!
Butterfly mobile
Capture pretty butterflies straight from your recycling bin by reusing plastic lids! A beautiful decoration for the bedroom that’s also good for the environment!
• Plastic lids
• Acrylic paint
• Black permanent marker
• Paintbrush
• Beads
• Scissors
• Varnish or glue
• Glitter
• Transparent elastic
• Hot glue gun
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