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8+ Books


Nebulia und die geheimnisvolle Sternschnuppe


Als sie eine Sternschnuppe in Not sieht, beschließt Nebulia, ihr zu helfen. Sie hofft, sie in die Sternenkrippe bringen zu können, wo ihr Vater arbeitet und sich um sie kümmern kann. Aber leider läuft nicht alles nach Plan! Auf der Suche nach ihrem Stern bereist Nebulia mit ihren Freunden die verschiedenen Gebiete des silbernen Nebels. Eine Reise durch eine magische Welt, die sie an die Grenze ihrer Stärken und Kräfte bringt und in der jede negative Schwingung oder Energie bedrohliche schwarze Löcher entstehen lässt. Wird Nebulia am Ende ihren Platz im Nebel finden? Wird sie noch vor Einbruch der Dunkelheit nach Hause zurückkehren? Und wird sie den Mut haben, ihren Eltern die Wahrheit über ihren gefährlichen Ausflug zu sagen?


Marinia and the heart of fire


Every year, a big competition is organized at the Energies Academy of Nebulopolis. Marinia and her friends, who wish to take part in the event, must work in teams and use their ingenuity to create a useful invention out of a mixture of auras. But the competition gets tough between the participants and the pressure becomes too much for Marinia. Fortunately, she meets a larger-than-life partner! Will she be able to calm her fears and trust in her abilities? Do you really have to finish first to feel like a winner?

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Hazelia und das Zauberbaumhaus


Hazelia lädt ihre Freunde zu einer Pyjamaparty ein. Plötzlich zieht ein orangefarbener Sternensturm im silbernen Nebel auf und zerstört einen Teil des Baumhauses, in dem die Gruppe von Freunden schlafen wollte. Am nächsten Tag, als sich ein Animoulous bei dem Versuch in das Baumhaus zu klettern verletzt, beschließen Hazelias Eltern, das nicht mehr sichere Baumhaus abzureißen. Hazelia ist völlig außer sich, als sie von den Absichten ihrer Eltern erfährt. Das Baumhaus hatte ihr inzwischen verstorbener Großvater eigenhändig für sie gebaut! Hazelias Vater, dessen Beruf es ist, die Winde zu studieren, sorgt sich weniger um die Gefühle seiner Tochter als vielmehr darum, herauszufinden, was einen solchen Wutausbruch im Himmel verursacht haben könnte. Werden die Mädchen mit vereinten Kräften eine Lösung finden, um ihren Lieblingsrückzugsort doch noch zu retten? Und wird Hazelias Vater das Geheimnis des seltsamen Sturms lüften?


Petulia and

the lost feraliaz


In preparation for an important flying polo tournament, Petulia is meeting her friends at the Flower Garden to practice. This sport is practiced on the back of
feraliaz, majestic horse-like beasts with wings. But Lilyaz, Petulia's feraliaz, is now
here to be found. With her friends, she sets out to find her. But jealousy between the girls, scary bugs and a mysterious pink wind get in the way. Will Petulia make it through all the trials and tribulations that stand in her way? Will the girls manage to find find the distressed Feraliaz?


iceana and the Missing Blue Flowers


Iceana and her parents live in the cold region of the nebula. They are the guardians of a very special orchard where stellar plums are transformed into precious nectar, essential for the survival of magic in the nebula. One morning, Iceana realizes that several blue flowers have disappeared from the trees! The family panics, because the crops are threatened. Strangely, during her investigation, all the clues point to one of her best friends... Is she really guilty? Why would she have endangered the well-being of the inhabitants? Will Iceana be able to solve the mystery before all the flowers disappear?

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Orelia and

the Glowing Race


In the middle of the night, an alarm wakes up all the Silver Nebula residents. Older people quickly understand that this alert comes from the star nursery. Every hundred years, the energy must be renewed there thanks to a core of cosmic fire. Orelia, who has just moved into the nebula, is chosen on the team that will have to recover this luminous core from the depths of the Rainbow Reef and transport it to the nursery. Will the new friend of the gang, a true athlete, be able to take up the challenge and thus save the future of thousands of little stars to come?


isadora and the spell of colors


Isadora and her friends are thrilled to be taking part in a school trip to a protected area of the Frozen Lands. The goal of the expedition? To observe the northern lights and study the thousand-year-old glaciers. The adventure is quickly disrupted by the discovery of a mysterious chest in a frozen wall. The simple fact of opening it causes a catastrophe: the chest absorbs all the colours the colors of the surroundings! Will the girls manage to quickly find a way to reverse the curse of the chest and limit the damage?


Estrelia and the shooting star maker


A big party is organized to mark the 50,000th anniversary of Nebulopolis. Estrelia and her friends want to take part in the parade. As they work out
how to create a float worthy of the occasion, they discover a mysterious ancient machine... that can create shooting stars! Can they make it work? Will they convince the selection committee? And who is this man trying to get his hands on their discovery?


Nenuphia and the secrets of the lagoon


Back from a long trip, Nenuphia finds that her friends have changed a lot. The chemistry within the group is no longer the same, and this saddens her. She now feels very alone. To get things back to normal, she anonymously creates interactive games in the Luminous Lagoon. Despite this, one of her friends continues to play the spoilsport by rejecting her. Even the Silver Nebula seems to be affected by the bad energies circulating. Will Nenuphia be able to put things right?


6+ Books


Stella and the cosmic mushroom


Stella would love to take part in her friend Nebulia’s scientific experiment. Nebulia is to observe a beautiful and intriguing cosmic mushroom. But Stella isn’t allowed to touch it - she could ruin everything. But she decides to secretly “help”... and accidentally swallows the mushroom! Stella begins to grow, then shrink: it’s a catastrophe! Accompanied by her animoulous friends Elana and Lumina, will she find a way to undo her mistake before Nebulia notices?


Elana and
the surprising challenges


Elana takes part in the Animoulous Olympics
with the firm intention of winning the title of
winter champion - and a huge trophy! Because
she’s so competitive, her bad attitude saddens
her friends Blizzia and Aura, who are no longer
willing to put up with her mockery and tantrums.
When a conflict breaks out during a team challenge, Elana must act to save her friends... and
their friendship! Will she be able to overcome
this new ordeal?


Aura and the mysteries of the sea


While her friends Octavia and Lilya frolic in the turquoise waters of the Polar Plain, Aura remains alone on the shore. She’s terrified of the water, but especially of what might be lurking at the bottom... Fortunately, her animoulous friends, accompanied by Ariaz, Marinia’s feraliaz, have made it their mission to help her discover all the beauty to be found at the bottom of the water. Overcoming her fears, Aura makes some surprising underwater encounters and discovers new strengths in the process!


Special Editions


The positive lessons of the Nebulous Stars


Ready to set off on a journey of self-discovery with the Nebulous Stars? This book contains stories, each featuring one of the eleven stars, as well as advice and tests that are as fun as they are rewarding. The characters invite our young readers to explore themes that affect them and sometimes worry them, such as honesty and jealousy, stress and friendship. All of this is enhanced by magnificent illustrations and stickers.


Nebulous Stars:
the ultimate book


All the secrets of the wonderful universe of Nebulous Stars are finally revealed to you! There, the inhabitants of the Silver Nebula have only one goal: to make stars. But who are they? And how do they do it? Throughout the pages, you will discover a world full of fantastic creatures and surprising magical forces!


The big dreams
of the Nebulous Stars


All the secrets of the wonderful universe of Nebulous Stars are finally revealed to you! There, the inhabitants of the Silver Nebula have only one goal: to make stars. But who are they? And how do they do it? Throughout the pages, you will discover a world full of fantastic creatures and surprising magical forces!


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Nebulous Stars ist eine Lifestyle-Marke für Kinder.

Alle Grafiken, Illustrationen, Produkt-und Verpackungsdesign sind Eigentum von Twinkle Teal Entertainment Inc. © 2025 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Nebulous Stars® ist eine Marke der Firma Twinkle Teal E Inc.

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